Daily Information -Hours of Operation
7:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. Monday through Friday. All children must be vacant from the premises by 6:00 P.M. If a child is on the premises at 6:15 PM, and a parent or emergency contact can not be reached, Child Protective Services and Boise City Police will be notified of child abandonment per Boise City Code and licensing requirements.
Please call Kidz Incorporated by 8:00 A.M. if your child will not be in attendance or will be later than their normal attendance time. In order to plan and maintain the proper ration of staff-to-child, we need to know about any changes in your schedule. If possible, we would like your children to arrive at the center by 8:30 A.M. so they receive the full benefit of our morning activities.
Drop Off Times
In order to keep your child’s routine as regular as possible, we discourage drop off between the hours of 10:30 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. We understand that certain appointments may conflict with these times; in this case, please make prior arrangements with the Director.
Check In/Check Out
Parents are responsible for clocking their children in and out on the keypad. This is our record of who is in attendance at any given time. This is extremely important for your child’s safety and in the event that we must evacuate the building. It is also required by Boise City code.
Parents are responsible for escorting their child(ren) into their classroom and releasing them into the care of the attending teacher.
Kidz Incorporated does not allow visitation, contact, or departure from the facility by anyone other than the parents/guardians or authorized individuals. If someone other than the child’s parent/guardian will be picking up the child, a release form must be completed and left with the Director of the center prior to the child being released, this includes non custodial parents/guardians.
If you are calling the center to make arrangements for your child to be picked up by someone other than the people listed on the child’s release form you must speak to the Director who will accept your authorization. If we are not familiar with the person picking up your child, they will be asked to provide photo identification before your child is released.
All children must be dressed and ready for their day upon arriving at Kidz Incorporated. Staff members will not accept the responsibility of dressing your children. We ask that your child be dressed in comfortable play clothes in which they can manage as much as possible. Socks must be worn at all times when indoors for health purposes – this includes the summer months.
Diapers and Training
If your child is not yet potty-trained, you will need to provide diapers, or Pull-Ups and wipes. For safety and sanitation reasons, we will only accept disposable diapers. We will work with your child through the potty-training period, but we require your child to continue using Pull-Ups until they are completely trained. To help your child be as successful as possible, please do not send them in a one-piece outfit or any other clothing that is difficult for a child to remove. Because accidents do happen, we require that your child have an extra set of clothing to change into if necessary.
If you fail to bring diapers and pull-ups when requested, $1.00 per borrowed “house” diaper/Up-Up will be charged to your account.
Bottles need to be plastic. Glass bottles will not be accepted. For health and safety reasons, we do not allow children to walk with bottles in their mouths. Please be certain bottles are put away before arrival. In addition, we prefer children do not walk with pacifiers in their mouths. If a pacifier is necessary, please have it attached to the child’s clothing.
Outdoor Play
Children will play outdoors daily when weather and air quality conditions do not pose a significant health risk as outlined by Central District Health Department. Weather that poses a significant health risk shall include wind chill at or below 15 degrees F and heat index at or about 90 degrees F.
We ask that you bring the appropriate clothing for playing outside. We encourage parents to label their children’s clothing to help prevent loss and mix-ups.
Peak hours of dangerous UV light 11:00 AM- 3:00 PM outside playtime is limited as follows:
90-95 degrees ALL AGES 10-15 minutes maximum
95-99 degrees SCHOOL AGE ONLY 5-10 minutes maximum
SPF 30 minimum should be used at all times, applied 30 minutes prior to outdoor play and reapplied as needed. Disposable WATER BOTTLES should be brought daily to ensure adequate hydration.
Quiet Time and Nap Time
Infants are on an as needed sleep schedule. There will be a quiet time in the Center each afternoon for all children. Quite time begins at 1:00 PM and ends approximately 2:30 – 3:00 PM.
Children will need to bring a blanket for nap/quite time. School age children will participate in quiet games, stories, and appropriate movies that have been approved by the Director.
Quite time is essential for providing a well-balanced day, giving children an opportunity to relax and regain their energy. Children are not required to sleep during this time, but they are required to rest quietly on individual mats, allowing those who need to sleep the opportunity to do so.
During the first half hour of the rest period, teachers will remain in the classrooms, until the children are sleeping, then they will begin their lunch breaks, and daily required cleaning procedures.
Toys and Other Objects From Home
A soft toy and/or blanket for nap time is allowed. However, we ask that you please not bring any other special toys as it may cause disruption during daily activities. There will be special days during the year for bringing favorite toys. Toy guns, knives or other weapons, and money are not acceptable at Kidz Incorporated.
Precious Makings
We ask parents to make a habit of checking their child’s folder at the end of each week for artwork. Your child put a lot of energy and pride into these creations and as simple or unrecognizable as they may seem, they deserve your attention. We also encourage you to bring a small backpack or tote for your child so that they can be part of the “school” experience, and become responsible for bring their work home.
Screen Time
Boise City code restricts all screen time/electronic device to no more than 60 minutes per day or five hours per week. Compliance logs must be maintained and made available during inspections.
Field Trips
Kidz Incorporated will take the children on periodic field trips. You will be notified in advance of these trips. Kidz Incorporated will utilize your Authorization for Transportation form in your Registration Information as your permission slip.
Field trips are an off site experience for the children, however they are not required. If you feel your child should be excluded from an outing, please discuss this with the Director prior to the event. Staffing arrangements will be made to accommodate your request.
Swimming lessons will be offered during the summer months through Gym State Gymnastics. Registration, authorization and payment is required before the first class if you wish to participate.
Outside food and beverages may not be brought into Kidz Incorporated. We offer a nutritional breakfast, lunch, and afternoon snack following the USDA Guidelines. If you would like to provide a special snack for your child’s birthday, please talk with the Director. This will ensure there are no allergies to the food you are providing. In the even of an allergy to any food provided, the item will be removed from the menu to avoid accidental serving.
Snack and meal times at Kidz Incorporated are considered an important part of the child’s learning experience. Meals are served restaurant style and the children are encouraged to learn and use good manners. If at any time you would like to join your child for lunch, please talk with the Director a day or more in advance so we can plan for your attendance. Meal times are as follows:
Breakfast 7:30 AM – 8:30 AM
AM Snack 10:00 AM – 10:15 AM (toddler’s only)
Lunch 11:45 AM – 1:00 PM
PM Snack 3:15 PM – 3:30 PM
4:15 PM – 4:30 PM (school age only)
Adverse Weather Conditions
In the occurrence of adverse weather, Kidz Incorporated will make a judgment call on whether or not it is safe to transport children to and/or from public school. In the event that it is determined it is not safe to provide transportation, every attempt will be made to contact the parent/legal guardian so they may arrange for alternate transportation if they disagree with the determination.
School Time Change
There may be occasional changes in your child’s school schedule that may require a time change in their regular drop off or pick up time. If this occurs, the parent/legal guardian is responsible for any transportation that does not fall within our regular drop off/pick up schedule. This excludes late start on Wednesdays for teacher collaboration.
Health and Safety
The Healthy Child initiative requires that all children ages 13 months of age and older engage in at least 20 minutes of physical activity for every three hours they are in care. This is in addition to routine indoor/outdoor play. Compliance logs must be maintained daily, and made available for inspection. Please advise the Director of any limitations your child may have, or activities you prefer them not to participate in. Some activities may include:
*Music and motion *Pillow Tag
*Karate Kids *Sports Cardio
Fitness times will be daily at 10:00 AM, 1:00 PM and 4:00 PM
Illness and Injury
If your child becomes ill or injured during the day, we will notify you immediately to come and pick him/her up. Any ill or injured child will be separated from the other children and will be made as comfortable as possible.
It is important to plan ahead for days when your child may become ill. Please have a backup plan, such as a relative or friend who can care for your child should you be unable to leave work. We ask that you use good judgment and keep children home when they are ill, seeking medical attention when appropriate.
Should your child become ill with a communicable disease, please inform the Director immediately so other parents can be notified when necessary. All medical information is confidential per HEPPA regulations; only the exposure can be discussed, no other information can be released.
Health Code
Please be aware that the Central District Health Department excludes sick children from attending child care. Children may not attend Kidz Incorporated if any of the following conditions are present:
* A fever of 100 degrees or greater. The child must be without fever for a full 24 hours before returning to the facility.
* Vomiting or diarrhea. The child must be without symptoms for a full 24 hours before returning to the facility. If your child has three or more episodes while in child care, you will be notified to pick up your child.
* Bacterial infections. The child must be on antibiotics for a minimum of 24 hours or have a physician’s approval before returning to the facility.
* Rashes over multiple parts of the body. We will require a physician’s approval to return .
* Children with chicken pox must stay home until all sores are dry (usually one week).
* Head Lice or Scabies
* Green or yellow nasal discharge.
* Bronchial type coughs.
* Pink Eye. Though this viral condition is seldom serious, it is highly contagious, and we ask that children not return until they have been treated by a health care professional or the symptoms are clear.
If your child becomes ill while attending day care, you will be notified to pick up your child within one hour from the time of the notification. A complete list of medical exclusions can be found on the last page of the policy.
All staff members of Kidz Incorporated are trained ANNUALLY in CPR and First Aid, and are certified. An emergency evacuation plan is posted and periodic fire drills are held. Minor illnesses will be handled by notifying the parents or alternate contacts.
In the event of an extreme emergency, 911 will be called.
The Emergency information form you signed as part of the registration information allows us permission to request emergency medical treatment when necessary. Kidz Incorporated will not be responsible for expenses related to emergency medical treatment.
It is very important that all telephone numbers be kept current.
Security and Security Doors
For the safety of the staff and children, the doors will remain locked from the outside at all times. Admission to Kidz Incorporated will be given only to those who have a code to the building. All others will need permission from the Director. Please DO NOT give your ID Code to any other person. All individuals authorized to pick up children must have a valid drivers license on file for the safety of the child/children.
Legal Matters
All legal matters with regard to your children need to be handled off site to eliminate the potential for disruption. If there is a current legal instrument outlining child & parent/guardian visitation, or specific parental arrangements, please provide the Director with a copy of the Decree so there will be no misunderstanding or conflict. Kidz Incorporated will not police payment from parents, as it is clearly outlined in every Judgment and Decree. Please see section on Tuition/Payments #3 for clarity on outstanding balances, late payments, and W-10’s.
Additionally, ONLY the parent who has the legal right to the child care deduction, as outlined in the Judgment and Decree will be give the W-10 information, and ONLY if the account balance is paid in full by December 31st of the currant year.
Destruction of Property
Intentional destruction of property to Kidz Incorporated or its contents will not be tolerated. If a child intentionally destroys toys or books, they will be responsible to replace them with something of equal value from home. If a child intentionally damages or destroys the building or contents, the parents will be responsible for the costs incurred for repair or replacement caused by the destruction.
In order to dispense medication to your child while they are at Kidz Incorporated, you must complete the Authorization for Medication section on the Registration Form. Boise City code defines medication as any and all medication, including over the counter.
Medication must be in the original container with the child’s name, medicine label, dosage and the doctor’s name listed. Please communication any special instructions to the attending staff. Medicine may not be stored in the classroom, and will be administered by the Director only, or her Assistant in the absence of the Director by permission only.
Child Abuse Policy
Idaho Code, Section 16-1619 requires all childcare personnel to report any indication of Child Abuse. We are obligated by law to inform Child Protection offices of the Health and Welfare Department with 24 hours of any conditions or circumstances which have or could reasonably result in the physical injury to a child. Persons who act upon reasonable cause in reporting child abuse are protected from any liability by Idaho Code, Section 16-1620.
Behavioral Redirection Policy
Our goal as educators is to provide the best care possible for your child. We believe that children should be given tools to handle their own problems. Through communication, developing self-control and encouraging both the expected behavior and the use of problem-solving techniques, most situations can be resolved and possibly alleviated.
The teachers at Kidz Incorporated help children build positive self-concepts and help them to avoid unacceptable behaviors from happening by:
*Modeling appropriate behavior
* Using positive verbal reinforcement
* Providing a variety of activities in a well-arranged classroom.
*Keeping communication open with parents.
When necessary, Kidz Incorporated uses the following behavioral redirection policy:
- Redirection – substituting a positive activity for a negative activity.
- Distraction – changing a child’s focus.
- Active listening and discussion to resolve conflict.
- Removal from the situation if necessary – separation from an activity or group for a few minutes.
- Restraint for the safety of self or others.
Parents will be informed of behavior deemed inappropriate. We always focus on the behavior and not the child. We will continue attempts to redirect, and we will work with the parents until an agreeable solution is found.
When aggressive/violent behavior occurs, the teachers will help the child acknowledge the behavior and why it is inappropriate. If the behavior is deemed to harmful to the child or the staff, restraint may be necessary for the safety of others. In extreme situations law enforcement will be called.
All efforts will be made to avoid behavioral problems; at NO TIME WILL A CHILD BE STRUCK. Because we believe that children need to accept responsibility for their actions, children who have created a physical mess will be asked to clean it up. As part of being responsible, the child we be ask to discuss the disruptive behavior with their parent while the Director is present.
Kidz Incorporated will make every effort to modify inappropriate behavior at the center. Children who exhibit aggressive or disruptive behavior may need to be separated from the group until they are able to return. It is our goal to teach children social behaviors which will aid them in their lives. However, inappropriate behaviors still occur. Behavior that is considered to be inappropriate includes:
- Physical harm to another child or adult by hitting, biting, kicking, throwing, or other physical means.
- Causing harm to themselves.
- Repeated refusal to comply with Center rules and staff.
- Inappropriate language, spitting, degradation, or other forms of verbal abuse.
Prior to removal, the above mentioned discipline techniques will be tried. If there are three incidents of physical harm such as biting in one day the parent will be called to pick up the child for the remainder of the day.
Due to the dangerous nature of biting and breaking the skin, if a child’s bite breaks the skin of another child both parents will be notified so that medical attention can be sought if necessary. The biting child may be dismissed for the day. In addition, any form of physical harm to teachers or other adults will not be tolerated.
If Kidz Incorporated, in its sole and unfettered discretion determines that it is not in the best interest of the Center or other children enrolled to have the child in attendance, services may be terminated.
Parent Involvement
Parent involvement is an integral part of a child’s education. Parents are an essential part of the program and are always welcome at Kidz Incorporated.